
Enrichment and Outreach sessions during school allowing exploration of technology outside of curriculum.

Group of rangatahi

What does this look like?

Age ranges

We work with rangatahi from years 5-13

Do you cover curriculm

We do not cover any areas of curriculm and instead cover topics outside of school curriculm.

What is the cost

Our sessions are free of charge to all rangatahi and whanau.

What do I need to bring?

We can provide everything needed including laptops however if you do have a laptop it would be great to bring it.

Do I need prior knwoledge?

No prior knowledge is needed with rangatahi with no knowledge to those who are experts in the sessions.



Lower Hutt


Contact Us

Group of rangatahi

Our contacts

Are you in an area where we don't have any sessions or have a location we can run sessions at?


Call us